Nowadays, people change jobs more often, even as often as every second year, according to our internal statistics. There is an increase in horizontal mobility, meaning one changes roles not to a higher one, but to the same type of position, usually to something more convenient in terms of location or flexible hours, a better package, more responsibility, or just to a different team within the same organisation.
What does help people to change to better jobs? Their skillset and motivation!
Often defining “a good job” begins with you understanding your needs and values. For every single one of us “a good job” is a completely different thing. It’s linked to a person’s perception of their career, as well as personality, social and family commitments, education level and goals. Take time to think about what is “a good job” for you? Write it down and have a look at what is out there that meets your criteria. Evaluate the requirements to understand where you are now and what will help you to reach your destination. In this article we will speak about the skills that will help you to get a job you truly want.
Clear and assertive communication is the key to success.
First of all, try to determine your own communication style (quizzes and descriptions available online can help with this). That will help you to understand how you come across to your colleagues and increase your awareness. You’ll find out whether or not it may benefit you to adjust your communication style.
Assertive communicators take ownership, express themselves openly, but they also consider the needs of others. The aim of assertive communication is to find a win-win situation of any interaction and maintaining the balance of rights and respect.
Handy tips:
When you apply for a role online, you will see what skills the employer expects you to have. By defining where you want to head with your career, you will understand what skills you need to gain. After doing that, form a plan and ask yourself the following questions: “how will I obtain the skills I need?” And “when will I obtain them by?”
Have a look at free online courses. There are platforms that provide hundreds of valuable training courses, which are reviewed and are able to be taken at a self-set pace. You define what you want and then find a solution to get it. Some platforms to get you started are:
Once again, everyone is different. Some people motivate themselves easily and take ownership of their lives; other people may take a different route and postpone or procrastinate about what has to be done at work now (read soon in our blog on how to improve your concentration).
Planning will help you to figure out what works best for you. It is important not to rely on another person’s way of working, but to define your own.
Ability to prioritise is essential. What is your “morning frog”? By this I mean out of the list of things that you have to do today, what is the most important task for you to complete today? (Or the most unpleasant task!) Aim to do this task first thing in the morning (congratulations, you’ve managed to “eat” your “morning frog” – the most unpleasant thing that day) and from that point on your day will feel much easier. This approach will also help you to reduce any psychological tension.
Remove the things that disturb you: social media, checking your emails fifteen times an hour, phone notifications. Set a timer for 30 minutes to allow yourself to focus on completing a task and to be free from distraction.
Buy a diary that you will enjoy using, find your lucky pen, use stickers, pin things on a board, draw up schematics. Anything that will help you to develop the skill of time management. You will soon be on you way to becoming motivated and prepared for a upcoming job opportunities!
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